Expression of Interest for Backbone organisation
About Connected Murihiku
The Connected Murihiku Project (CM) is a well-established project looking to move into its next phase of being community led. The Project has been supported by Councils, funders and community organisations and funded through Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment. The purpose of the project is to work together to support and empower community organisations in Murihiku Southland.
Mission of Connected Murihiku: to support and harness the collective power of social and community organisations in Murihiku. We do this by empowering community organisations across the region.
Connected Murihiku has four focus areas – Engagement; Visibility; Insights & Advocacy and Capability Building & Collaboration. These cover the objectives for Connected Murihiku which are:
Enhance the visibility of the community sector through sharing stories.
Provide leadership to the community sector through identifying insights about the sector and advocating on behalf of or to local and central government, national bodies and stakeholders
Promote and encourage co-operation, connection, collaboration and information sharing between and among organisations.
Facilitate the building of the capability and capacity of organisations.
Current structure and assets.
Project lead
Employment of the Project lead is at present held by Invercargill City Council and the following is an overview of the current contract of employment:
25 hrs. per week, fixed term contract ending 30 June 2025.
Further details of the employment arrangements will be provided to the successful organisation.
The Connected Murihiku Office is currently located with Community Trust Southland (CTS) office until Dec 2025. This is in kind support.
Oversight committee structure
From late 2023, guided by a joint committee of representatives from three Councils, Rūnaka and Rūnanga, and community representatives, the goal of Connected Murihiku was to discover the needs of community organisations and to define their objectives. This was realised through fact finding; surveys, hui, regional visits and attending many, many meetings.
In November 2024 the joint committee wrapped up, with work continuing under the guidance of an informal group of 7 advisors who continue to drive the next phase of Connected Murihiku’s work in considering funding portals, organising relevant and beneficial training opportunities and other, tangible outcomes.
As this work continues, focus is also shifting to enable Connected Murihiku to stand on its own as a community-led organisation with its own governance structure. The advisory group has invited others to join who have a background in network organisations who already have deep reach within the community and work with other, similar groups. This temporary committee will work to discover how Connected Murihiku would operate as a community-led organisation and to develop this process with a view to having a plan for the governance structure in place by August 2025.
Existing budget enables the employment of the project lead through to end of June 2025. Ongoing funding for this project will need to be sought.
What we need?
The CM Project is looking for a ‘Backbone Organisation’ that is well established, can umbrella funding applications and hold funds on behalf of the CM Project, and has the capacity, capability, and region wide reach to support the CM Project to help it achieve its vision. An administration fee will be paid to the backbone organisation for services. This would be negotiated between the oversight committee and successful organisation. This fee would take into account overheads, people management, and administration.
Prospective backbone organisation would need to do due diligence with funders as to their acceptance of applications from backbone organisation for its core work as well as acceptance of applications on behalf of CM.
If funding for this project was not secured to continue the project past 30th June 2025, then employment of project lead would not continue past the end date of the current contract.
Scope of the project may need to be reduced if funding levels are not maintained after June 2025. The current employment is fixed term employee however, this could be changed or moved to contract work if the need arose. Decisions around this will be made by the oversight committee.
Requirements of the Backbone organisation
The Backbone organisation must be an established organisation with a demonstrable track record which:
has a robust structure in place as well as a vision and mission that aligns with the Connected Murihiku mission to support and harness the collective power of social and community organisations in Murihiku.
has a region wide approach, and works actively in Murihiku/Southland
is a charitable entity and is able and willing to umbrella funding for the Connected Murihiku Project
has sound understanding of technology and robust systems to support an employee working across the region
is able to be the employer of staff and ensure that all HR and legislative requirements are met
is comfortable functioning as an ‘umbrella’ organisation for the Connected Murihiku Project including to provide support and enable the initiative to establish and flourish, and to be willing to be an active member of the Oversight Committee
Functions of the Backbone organisation
Responsible for Funding Applications
Finalise and submit funding applications on behalf of Project
Finalise and submit accountability reports on behalf of Project
Holds funds received for the Project.
Employment of Project Lead.
Onboarding and induction (as required)
Staff line management
Inclusion in team meetings
Fortnightly payroll
Leave management and reimbursements
Allocation of professional development
Manage the project financials.
Administer and maintain financial accounts via banking system.
Track funding through Xero or similar in relation to dispersing funds for intended purpose.
Invoice management in Xero or similar.
Maintain accurate financial records including monthly financial reporting - Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet
Work with CM to manage crossover with funders; informing funders as required of umbrella / backbone structure.
Ensure expenditure aligns with budget and Oversight committee decisions.
Undertakes bill payment on behalf of the Project
Maintain status as a legal entity.
Ensure alignment to the Connected Murihiku values and mission.
Has full support of back bone organisations governance to fulfill this role.
Oversight Group
Provide delegate to the Oversight committee to attend quarterly meetings
The Expression of Interest process
EOI out to community organisations across Murihiku - Week starting 24th February
Opportunity for discussion with CM Oversight Committee - 10th March
Proposals Due to - 21st March
Shortlist providers confirmed by subcommittee following assessment against a matrix - 25th March
Initial discussion with potential provider(s) & due diligence undertaken by subcommittee and recommendations made to Steering group - 28th March
Preferred provider selected and notified - 4th April
Conclude contractual negotiations - 11th April
Implementation completed at latest by - 17th April
For any enquiries or questions about the EOI email: