
Murihiku Support

Housing is a complex issue for the region, but at the heart of it is a fundamental belief that everyone should have shelter and a place to live. Housing was identified as a key enabler in the Beyond 2025 plan and work on this is being led by Great South. Launch - Beyond 2025 Southland

There are a range of reports about the housing situation in Southland:

Councils provide some community housing for elderly in the region:

Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities

Across New Zealand Kāinga Ora provides tenancy services to nearly 200,000 customers and their whānau and owns and maintains nearly 69,000 public houses while also providing home ownership products and other services. We are focusing on prioritising our tenants’ wellbeing, and provide tenants with good quality, warm, dry and healthy homes. Their website includes a range of information about accessing their service. This link takes you to the page about Southland.

Southland region:Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities

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