Migrants & Multicultural
Murihiku Support
The Southland Migrant Settlement Network has been in place from March 2023. This Network was established as an outcome from the Overcoming Barriers for Migrant Families to access services project which commenced in mid-2022. The purpose of the Network is to come together to support each other in the work we do with migrant people, to share ideas and information and to advocate as needed.
This charitable trust organises social events and offers a range of support services for newcomers. They facilitate the Southland Migrant Network alongside Presbyterian Support Southland Family Works.
Invercargill is a settlement place for former refugees. Red Cross co-ordinates the Pathways to Settlement programme supporting former refugees for their first 12 months after arrival.
For more information about this programme check out their website.
Welcome to Southland, New Zealand is focused on visitors to the region (tourism) but does provide basic information if you live and work here too.
Welcoming Communities is about making newcomers feel at home here, that we accept their culture and identity, and that there are opportunities for them to succeed. Having a sense of belonging helps people to settle more quickly, and enhances social cohesion.
Welcoming Communities | Invercargill City Council
Pacific Island Advisory Charitable Trust supports Southland’s Pasifika communities. Their mission is to promote the wellbeing, education and cultural development of people of Pacific Island ancestry now resident in Southland and to provide an official channel to represent such people in matters concerning their welfare.